Here at the National Fluid Power Centre we continually strive to meet our customers expectations by providing the most effective training solutions to meet your needs. Completing this self-assessment questionnaire will help you to get the best service from us.

The Self-Assessment

Designed for both companies and individuals, this test will enable the most cost-effective training solution to be found to meet your needs.

From your test results, we will make a recommendation directing you to the right course here at NFPC.

Here at the NFPC, we place great emphasis upon the importance of thoroughly understanding the basic principles that underpin the operation of all Electro-Pneumatics Systems. Our experience has shown that failure to thoroughly grasp Pneumatics at this early stage, will impede upon your progress as you advance towards more complex systems and control.

All our Systems Training Engineers are from UK industry with a vast experience and knowledge of Pneumatic Systems and Control.

We guarantee that our very practical, hands on courses will greatly improve your knowledge and skills together with your work based performance and safe work practices.

This self-assessment is your first step along a vital journey towards Integrated System Engineering.

Start the Test
electro pneumatics

Why we are unique

The Centre is fully supported by 60 + National and International companies. These Organisations form the NFPC Advisory and Strategic Planning Group. The Group meets 3 times per year and through their guidance and support the NFPC remains at the forefront providing UK industry with the necessary skills and knowledge to address the ever changing needs as technology advances.